Introducing- Iiadonnasanova Owens-Williamson
I'm a mother, a sister, a friend, a wife, a creator, a teacher and before any of those; an artist. I happen to believe that art surrounds me...permeates my being....enriches my life and speaks to me in ways other disciplines cannot. It crosses language and cultural boundaries. It expresses, it soothes, it communicates, it decorates, it encourages, it clothes, it enhances, it teaches.
Art is everything. Everything is art.
We are Art. We are sculptures created by the greatest artist to ever exist.
Art is Life.
Art is my Life.
Welcome to my multi-faceted world of art. Enjoy.
All artwork on this website is copyrighted by Iiadonnasanova Owens-Williamson and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the copyright owner.
© Iiadonnasanova Owens-Williamson
© Iiadonnasanova Owens-Williamson